Completing Gary Vee’s Dollar Eighty strategy each day can be challenging but extremely rewarding when done right. That’s why we’ve outlined some helpful tips and commenting tricks that’ll help you get the most out of the Dollar Eighty software.
Our users of the Dollar Eighty software typically take around 1-hour each day to complete their 90 comments. They treat this as their homework. Instagram is easy to overthink and become overwhelmed by if you are not seeing the results your desire. So, treat it like homework and put in the effort to grow your account day in, day out. Key note: it can take over 3-hours each day to complete the Dollar Eighty Strategy without the Dollar Eighty software, so use the time saved to put extra effort into your content.
Tip 1: Take the time to target 10 good Hashtags
There are millions of Hashtags on Instagram, so it’s extremely important to take the time when setting up your Dollar.Eighty account to find the best hashtags that best suit your profile genre. If you can narrow in on your Instagram audience, you will get the best results. Key Note: you can change your hashtags as often as you like so test, experiment and refine your categories.
Tip 2: Change ‘some’ of your Hashtags at the end of every week
We’ve noticed that if you change some of your hashtags at the end of every week, you get better growth results. You don’t have to change them all, but by changing out the hashtags that you comment on the least, you should be get better content to engage with. Type the hashtags you engage the most with into Dollar.Eighty and see what other related hashtags is recommends. Key Note: you can use the hashtag page of Dollar.Eighty as a discovery tool.
Tip 3: Be yourself, be true, be positive.
One of the most important things to remember is; be genuine, listen and contribute. Like Gary Vee says, “everybody wants to put a picture of themselves looking cool. But the way to actually wins is to be positive and give back to your community”. If you find that you are struggling to be yourself, then you are in the wrong niche. Change your hashtags to change your audience.
Commenting Approach 1: Break up your 90 comments throughout the day.
There are millions of Hashtags on Instagram, so it’s extremely important to take the time when setting up your Dollar.Eighty account to find the best hashtags that best suit your profile genre. If you can narrow in on your Instagram audience, you will get the best results. Key Note: you can change your hashtags as often as you like so test, experiment and refine your categories.
Commenting Approach 2: Make all your 90 comments at once.
If you have the time and the patience to make all 90 comments in the same session, go for it! It’s a great feeling to do all your Dollar Eighty strategy work in one go and with our new queuing functionality, you can queue your comments to post over the following hours after you finish. Remember, you need to keep your computer turned on for the queueing to work.